—— 记中山实验学校中学部线上外语教学

发布时间:2022-12-24 | 显示可打印版本

Love Never Stops, and Growth Never Delays

—Online Foreign Languages Teaching in the Middle 

——School Department of Zhongshan Experimental School

莫道浮云终蔽日, 严冬过尽绽春蕾。

Don't let the clouds block the sunlight, and spring buds will bloom after winter.


A screen cannot stop the enthusiasm and responsibility of Zhongshan foreign language teachers for online teaching, and it cannot stop the progress and growth of Zhongshan students, either. Love never stops, and growth never delays! We will overcome the difficulties together and live up to our children and ourselves!




The students are in their youth, who are eager to learn. They don’t change their original intention. Spring is coming. We are looking forward to getting back to Zhongshan.


From online to offline, what has changed is the teaching methods. What has not changed is the teachers’ integration of experience and wisdom.

教师尽心, 学生用心,家长放心,师生按时进入直播间,学子积极参与线上互动,流利的英语,西语,尽展中山学子外语风采。

The teachers are diligent, the students are hard -working, so the parents are not anxious. Both the teachers and the students enter the live rooms on time every day. The students actively participate in online interaction. Their fluency in English and Spanish approves the high quality education the students in Zhongshan School are having.

你用心书写,我认真批阅,如此,甚好! 每一个努力向上的孩子都值得有掌声,晒一下孩子的作业,不是炫耀,而是对孩子的肯定,是鼓励,也是纪念!

You put in the effort while doing your homework and we heartedly correct it. Every child who works hard deserves applause. It's not a show-off, but an encouragement, and a commemoration of the children's efforts!

停课是对生命的保护,不停学是对梦想的追求,博学而不究, 笃行而不倦,学习路上,我们从未停止,虽然疫情改变了我们的教学方式,但从未改变教学温度,特殊的日子里,我们拥有不一样的课堂,也拥有了别样的收获。

Stopping classes is the protection of life, and continuing to learn is the pursuit of dreams. On the way to learning, we never stop. Although the epidemic has changed our teaching methods, it has never changed the teaching enthusiasm. On special days, we have different classes and different gains.

北京市天通苑中山实验学校:北京市昌平区天通苑四区9号 电话:010-84819308 010-84819307
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